Australia’s newest Shariah Super & Investment Offering
Haven Wealth Partners has joined forces with the $4b investment platform Dash Technologies to bring Australia’s newest and lowest cost Islamic superannuation and investment offering to market.
No longer do Australian Muslims need to pay higher than average fees because of their faith.
Saving for what’s important to you has never been easier.
This solution offers fees lower than the ARPA industry average, strong performance, aligns with your faith and gives back to the community.
It feels good to do good!!!
Introducing Haven Islamic
What savings needs do you have?
I’m saving for: A home, wedding, Hajj, education, or another immediate need
I’m seeking an Islamic super fund so I can align my retirement savings with Islam
I’m seeking a Islamic retirement fund so I can align my retirement income with Islam
Whether you answer yes to one of more of the above, we can help. Book in a time to talk to us today.
Why we built this:
Australian Muslims have asked for a competitive fee and diversified Superannuation and Investment Solution. Haven Islamic empowers Australian Muslims and gives greater with control over investments!
So, how can you join?
Simply click here to register for a general advice session with a member of our team.
We will guide you through the process in a General Advice session.
Click here to read our Financial Services Guide and Privacy Statement.
Click here to read the Dash PDS and Target Market Determination.
Click here to view our Shariah Pronouncement
Shariah Oversight
Haven Islamic has appointed Mufti Shabir Moosa as our internal Shariah advisor who has reviewed this offering, our portfolio, processes and policies and can confirm that all are consistent with Islamic Principles and compliant with AAOOFI principles.
Shabir Moosa holds a Master’s Degree in Islamic Studies from The Zakariyya Seminary in Johannesburg, South Africa, and also holds a B.A. Honours in Islamic Studies from the UJ -University of Johannesburg. He has earned a CDIF – Diploma in Islamic Finance from CIMA, an ACIFE – Advanced Financial Analysis certification from the Ethica Institute, and is currently completing his final dissertation for a MIFP: Masters Islamic Finance Practise at INCEIF University, Malaysia. Additionally, he is a Certified Shariah Advisor and Auditor (CSAA) licensed by AAOIFI. Shabir is also the founder of the CIEA - Centre for Islamic Economics Australia a global Islamic finance consultancy, advisory, and educational platform.
Please click the link below to ask Shabir Moosa any questions you have about this super and investment offering.
Our Screening Process
Business Activity Screening
The following categories are excluded due to potential issues or impermissibility based on industry practices. We may exclude any company dealing in un-Islamic products or services at our discretion: Alcohol, Financial Services, Gambling, Pork Related Activities, Pornography, Tobacco, Advertising, Media & Entertainment, Trading of Gold/Silver on a deferred cash basis.
Companies which derive revenue of less than 5% from the above non permissible activities (excluding non-operating interest income) are still considered to have passed the Business Sector screening criteria.
Financial Ratio Screening
After removing companies with non-compliant business activities, the resultant companies are further examined for compliance with accounting ratios, as certain ratios may violate the compliance measurements.
Three areas of focus are leverage, cash, and the share of revenues derived from non-compliant activities. All of these are subject to evaluation on an ongoing basis.
Accounts Receivables / Market value of Equity (36 month average) < 49 %;
(Cash + Interest Bearing Securities) / Market value of Equity (36 month average) 33%
Debt / Market Value of Equity (36month average) < 33 %
Dividend Purification
Companies having less than 5% of their revenues coming from the prohibited business activities are said to have passed the Sector-based Screens. But the proportion of dividends attributed to revenue generated from such non-permissible business activities and interest income will have to be purified.
How is dividend purification ratio calculated? What goes into the component of dividends to be purified?
The dividend purification ratio is calculated as:
DP ratio = Non-Permissible Revenue including interest income /Total Revenue
Fees & Investment Return Objectives
Our solution ensures you can access Shariah investment opportunities without compromising on affordability helping you to achieve your financial goals while staying true to your beliefs.
Here are our fees vs the industry median for a $50,000 balance:
Here are our investment options, investment return objectives and growth asset exposire:
Education & Empowerment
1-on-1 General Information Session (Virtual): Personalised online sessions providing tailored guidance and insights into Islamic Super & Investment solutions
In-Person Education Group Session: Live, in-person educational seminars for groups, delivering in-depth understanding and hands-on learning about Islamic Super & Investment solutions
Ready to join the Haven Islamic Super & Investment Solution?